8 poze   4766 vizite

membru din 2 februarie 2014

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

   ❝Remember that when you’re laying in your casket,   ╰I would never hurt you. Youre safe with me.╮
   nobody will be paying attention to how much you weigh or what you look like. They will ponder the memories
   they have with you. They will remember how you made them feel. So go out there and be you. Be kind. Make
   people feel good. Stop worrying about your appearance and go make some memories. That’s what matters.
   No number or reflection can ever compare to the people that love you. Stop hiding because you’re afraid of
   what people think. Because when you leave this world, you don’t want to be remembered as the person that
   hated themselves, the person that hid. You want them to remember how you made them feel,how much you
   loved them. And darling, you can’t love other people when you hate yourself.❞
❝Photoshoots❞ says Stronger4Demi.
❝Photoshoots❞ says Stronger4Demi.

Comentarii album • 6
minajreign 21 februarie 2015  
totul ♥
dreamer 2 ianuarie 2015  
BradfordBadBoyx12 20 decembrie 2014  
Câteva melodii de ale ei :<.
Soniia 6 decembrie 2014  
NUUUUU pot sa aleg doar un lucru care sa imi placa la ea, este idola meaaaaaa, dar totusi, adoooor muuuult mesajul versurilor (mai ales din national anthem aw)
Katerina 1 decembrie 2014  
totul, se pune totul?
Complicated 7 septembrie 2014  
Părul ei perfect.
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